Neuromuscular Therapy vs. Relaxation Massage

Two very different approaches to Bodywork and Therapeutic Massage. What I’ve found from my years in practice is that while you may be looking to “relax”, your body might need more than just a surface-level massage to achieve this. Relaxation type massage has a huge presence in the massage world (well deserved!) and is primarily preformed in a spa-like setting with additional spa services to enhance the experience (scrubs, wraps, etc). Relaxation techniques are great for lymphatic and blood circulation, nervous system stimulation, and generalized work to muscles.

Neuromuscular Therapy is quite different- this is a therapy that is not exclusive to Massage Therapists. NMT has been utilized by many folks in the fields of massage, physical therapy, nursing, chiropractic, and even dentistry! The techniques utilized in NMT go deeper into hyper tense or dysfunctional tissues of the body to encourage the body to re-balance and return tissues to a healthy “normal” state. This type of therapy can be found more commonly within private massage practices and chiropractic clinics.

Personally, I like to practice techniques that myself and my loved ones have found value in. While NMT may sound a bit more intense in nature (I won’t lie, it sure can be!), it is relaxing on an indescribable deep level with the a unique ability to help restore functionality and release chronically and acutely tense tissues.

While both have their their time and place, don’t be afraid to attend a private clinic and give NMT a shot!


Headaches and Massage