One of the most highly requested modalities in world of Massage Therapy. What is Deep Tissue Massage? Learn more below.

Deep Tissue Massage

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Many professionals in the Massage industry are of the opinion that “deep tissue massage” does not exist. This has been a frowned upon term to describe a specific type of massage mainly because it is not a specific type of massage at all! Many types of massage achieve access to deep tissues within the body- making this term of “deep tissue massage” one that is broad and can mean many different things to different people. Confusing? Yes- below, we will discuss what Deep Tissue Massage means here at Evergreen Therapeutic Massage and Wellness.

A highly developed and goal oriented approach to Massage Therapy that is focused on restoring functionality, mobility and getting to the root cause of dysfunction. This is useful for so many individuals but especially for those of us struggling with chronic and acute pain resulting from compensation, overuse, overload, or injury. For example: you have a desk job and have chronic low-back and neck/shoulder issues. It would be reasonable to think that this may be because of overuse/overload and static positioning from sitting and focusing on a screen all day. In this instance, NMT would work fabulously to help your body cope with the constant stressors of this “occupational hazard”. If this sounds like what you’re looking for when you ask for deep tissue massage, Neuromuscular Therapy is your new best friend.

Primarily focused on enhancing athletic performance through speeding recovery, addressing injuries, and reducing soreness and fatigue associated with athletic activity. This has proven to be useful to individuals with various activity levels whether being an athlete is your profession, passion, or hobby. In recent years, Sports and Rehabilitative Massage has proven to be a key therapy in keeping professional athletes in peak condition as it can impact recovery and injury prevention in profound ways. Whether you put a few miles on those running shoes every week or if you’re a professional performance athlete- this could be what you mean when you are looking for Deep Tissue Massage.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a therapeutic technique geared towards alleviating muscular tightness and pain by specifically targeting the fascia- a dense connective tissue that surrounds muscles, joints, and bones throughout the body. Fascia plays a primary role in supporting and protecting these structures, however, it can become tight and restricted due to injury, excessive stress, overuse/overload or poor posture. This tightness can create pressure and pulling, leading to pain and restricted movement. People who can benefit from myofascial release include (but are not limited to): athletes, individuals with chronic pain, those recovering from injuries or surgical procedures, individuals with stress and tension, and even desk workers! Overall, myofascial release is a versatile technique that can benefit anyone seeking relief from muscular tension, pain, and restricted movement. This therapy promotes both physical and emotional well-being.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a Therapeutic Massage technique with the goal of alleviating muscular pain and dysfunction by targeting trigger points, which are localized hyper-tense spots within muscles and can be present with or without referred pain to other parts of the body. These points can develop due to overuse, injury, poor posture, or stress. During trigger point therapy, a trained therapist applies direct pressure to these points to release tension and restore optimal muscular function. This pressure helps to ease the trigger point which in turn improves blood flow to the area, and promotes optimal healing. Individuals who can benefit from trigger point therapy include athletes recovering from sports injuries, individuals with chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia or tension headaches, office workers with posture-related muscle tightness, and anyone experiencing muscular pain and restricted movement due to physical or emotional stress. By addressing these specific points of tension, trigger point therapy aims to reduce pain, increase range of motion, and enhance overall physical well-being.


We’ve learned that the term of deep tissue massage is a broad one! Feel free to still use this language, but know that looking for a specific type of massage might do you better in the long run than trying to filter through therapists who all practice some version of “deep tissue” when this may not be exactly what you’re looking for. Please reach out with any questions you may have as we know that the world of massage is diverse and can be confusing. Here at Evergreen, we strive to offer precisely what you’ve been searching for. Do future you a solid and book one up now, you’ll be thanking past you that you did.